Assessment of Intended Deformations and Kinematic Error Identification in Mechanisms, Machine Tools and Manipulators

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Ruiz Salguero, Oscar Eduardo

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The purpose of this document is to support the request for Colciencias doctoral funding for the M.Sc. Sebastian Durango Idarraga, currently Ph.D. student at the CAD CAM CAE Laboratory at Eafit University, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Eng. Oscar Ruiz. Sebastian Durango Idarraga started the Ph.D. program in August 2007 in the specific area of Deflection and Position Error Assessment in Mechanisms , Machine Tools and Robot Manipulators. Under the direction of Prof. Ruiz, Sebastian Durango has already conducted research for 12 months preparing this proposal. He has already passed the oral, jury-evaluated Qualifying Examinations (June 2008), in the mentioned areas. If this proposal is accepted by Colciencias, Sebastian Durango will have the opportunity to conduct part of his doctoral research in the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), according to the training that he has already undertaken per request of researchers at such places, who would be co-advisers of his doctoral dissertation. At Danmark Technical University -Copenhagen- Prof. Dr. Eng. John Restrepo would coach M.Sc. Sebastian Durango while in DTU. John Restrepo is Associate Professor, Section for Engineering Design and Product Development at DTU. Prof. Restrepo manages the projects of compliant mechanisms in medical and product design applications. SMALL VITA Sebastian Durango. Sebastian Durango (Manizales, Colombia, 1977) obtained a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2000) at Universidad Autonoma de Manizales, Manizales, Colombia, and a M.Sc. degree with emphasis in Automatic Systems of Production (2006) at Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia. During his M.Sc. Sebastian researched under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gabriel Calle. (Doktor in Automotive Engineering of the State Polytechnic Academy of Belarus -Bielorussia). Since 2002 Sebastian is a full time faculty member with the Mechanics and Production Department at Universidad Autonoma de Manizales. In 2007 Sebastian joined the CAD CAM CAE Laboratory as Doctoral student with Prof. Oscar Ruiz as Advisor. Sebastians' interests are Mechanism and Machine Science and Robotics. SMALL VITA Oscar Ruiz. Associate Professor Oscar Ruiz was born in 1961 Tunja, Colombia. He obtained B.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Eng. (1983) and Computer Science (1987) at Los Andes University, Bogota, Colombia, a M.Sc. degree with emphasis in CAM (1991) and a Ph.D. with emphasis in CAD (1995) from the Mechanical and Industrial Eng. Dept. of University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, USA. Dr. Ruiz has held Visiting Researcher positions at Ford Motor Co. (Dearborn, USA. 1993 and 1995), Fraunhofer Inst. Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Darsmstad, Germany 1999 and 2001), University of Vigo (1999 and 2002) and Max Planck Institute for Informatik (2004). In 1996 Dr. Ruiz was appointed as Faculty of the Mechanical Eng. and Computer Science Depts. at Eafit University, Medellin, Colombia, and has ever since the coordinator of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Research on CAD / CAM / CAE. Dr. Ruiz' interests are Computer Aided Geometric Design, Geometric Reasoning and Applied Computational Geometry. Technical Summary. The goal of this project is to model positional errors in mechanisms, manipulators and machine tools. These errors may come from the geometry of the mechanism or from the forces affecting the mechanism while at work. On the other hand, in precision engineering, medical industry and nano-technology, mechanisms are designed to be deformed. These mechanisms are called compliant. While in traditional machine tools the deformations are undesirable, in compliant mechanisms the deformations are planned and intentional. This project seeks to continue the CAD CAM CAE Lab research in both traditional and compliant mechanism deformations and positional errors.



