Structural and fuctional analysis of two leishmania proteinsselectivelyexpressed in the metacyclic parasite stage with respect to virulence and infectivity

dc.contributor.authorBerberich, Christof
dc.contributor.authorMarín, Marcel
dc.contributor.authorAlzate, Juan F.
dc.contributor.authorMuskus, Carlos
dc.contributor.corporationUniversidad de Antioquia.
dc.creator.authorBerberich, Christof
dc.description.contentthe genus leishmania and shows a tendency to from dimers uponprotein expression / Marcel marin, Carlos;En: Leishmania molecular biology / Tropical health in thenewmillenium. (1 : 2000 agos. 20-25 : Cartagena de;Indias, Colombia). -- Medellin : PECET, 2000. -- ; 28 cm.;Muskus, Juan F. Alzate, Christof Berberich. -- En: Short communication. --no. 86 (2000); p. 431-435. -- The;metacyclic stage expressed meta-1 gene is conserved between oldand new world leishmania species / Christof;Berberich, Marcel Marin, Carlos Muskus. -- En: Mem inst oswaldocruz. -- Vol. 93, no. 6 (nov.- dic. 1998); p.;819-821. -- Metaciclogenesis: un proceso fundamental en labiologia de leishmania / Carlos Mokus, Marcel Marin;Villa. -- En: Biomedica. -- no. 22 (2002); p. 167-177. --Meta-1y mat-1,proteinas metaciclicas en;leishmania: clonacion, expresion y caracterizacion inmunologica/ Marcel Marin, Carlos Muskus, Christof;Berberich. -- En: Iatreia. -- Vol. 13, no. 2 (jun. 2000);p. 5-3120. ISSN:01210793. -- Caracterizacion de dos;proteinas metaciclicas de leishmania y su relacion con lavirulencia / Carlos Muskus, Marcel Marin, Christof;Berberich. -- En: Iatreia. -- Vol. 13 no.2 (jun. 2000); p.-53120. ISSN: 01210793.-- PONENCIA(S) EN CONGRESO:;Expression, localization and antigenic analysis of the metacyclic / MuskusCarlos, Marin Marcel, Alzate Juan;F., Berberich Christof. -- En: Organized by: hellenic pasteurinstitute turkisch siciety of parasitology;university of Crete / World dleish 2. (2001 may. : UniversityofCrete); -- Creta : On behalf of 20-24. -- The;metacyclic stage expressed genes meta-1 and mat-1 are conservedbetween old and new world leishmania species;and are antigenic components of the parasite / Christof Berberich, Marin Marcel, Mukus Carlos. -- En: Clone,;cure and control tropical health for the 21 st century / European congresson tropical medicine. (2 : 1998;sep.14 - 18 : University of Antioquia). -- Colombia : Federationof european sicieties for tropical medicine;1998. -- ; 28 cm. -- Meta-1 and mat-1 metacyclic proteinsin leishmania: cloning, expression and immunologic;characterization / Marin Marcel, Muskus Carlos, BerberichChristof. -- En:Leishmania molecular biology /;Tropical health in the new millenium. (1 : 2000 agos. 20-20,208333333333333Cartagena deIndias, Colombia). -- Medellin :;ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: The gene encoding the metacyclogenesisassociatedtranscript mat-1 is conserved in;PECET, 2000. -- ; 28 cm. -- Molecular characterization ofthemetacyclic stage protein meta-1 in leishmania;infantum / Carlos Muskus, Marcel Marin, Christof Bereberich. --En: Leishmania molecular biology / Tropical;health in the new millenium. (1 : 2000 agos. 20-25 : Cartagenade Indias,Colombia). -- Medellin : PECET,;2000. -- ; 28 cm. -- The gene encoding the metacyclogenesis associated transcript mat-1 is conserved in the;genus leishmania and shows tendency to form dimers in vitro /Muskus Carlos, Alzate juan F., Berberich C. --
dc.description.projectidIP 1115-05-041-99
dc.format.dimensions28 cm. + 1 CD.
dc.format.extent109 h
dc.publisher.nameUniversidad de Antioquia,
dc.publisher.placeMedellin :
dc.subject.lembCIENCIAS BASICAS
dc.subject.lembINSECTOS VECTORES
dc.titleStructural and fuctional analysis of two leishmania proteinsselectivelyexpressed in the metacyclic parasite stage with respect to virulence and infectivity

