Programa de física experimental de altas energías :parte II

dc.contributor.authorÁvila Bernal, Carlos Arturo
dc.contributor.authorNegret Arboleda, Juan Pablo
dc.contributor.authorHoeneisen Frost, Bruce
dc.contributor.authorMagnin, Javier Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorNetchev, Plamen
dc.contributor.authorRolando Roldán, José María
dc.contributor.authorSerna, Álvaro
dc.contributor.authorZanabria, Manuel Eugenio
dc.contributor.authorCollantes, Antonio
dc.contributor.authorLizarazo, Juan Fernando
dc.contributor.authorMendoza, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorBotero, Roberto
dc.contributor.authorCaballero, Iván
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, María Fernanda
dc.contributor.authorHurtado, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorMendoza, Luis Miguel
dc.contributor.authorVargas, Santiago
dc.contributor.corporationUniversidad de los Andes (Colombia)
dc.creator.authorGómez Moreno, Bernardo
dc.description.contentletters. -- Vol. 82, no. 1 (1999); p. 29-40. -- Search fornonstandard higgs bosons using high masss photon;pairs in pp -- yy + 2 Jets at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. --;Vol. 82, no. 11 (1999); p. 2244-2456. -- Dijet mass spectrum anda searchfor quark compositeness in pp;collisions at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott ... (et. al). --En: Physical review letters. -- Vol. 82, no. 12;'-- Search for trilepton signatures from associated gauginopairproductionSearch for firtsgeneration scalar;031102 (1998); p. 114- 164. -- Measurement of the W bosonmass/B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical;review d. -- Vol. 58, 092003 (1998); p. 165-201. -- Measurementof the topquark pair production cross section;in pp collisions using multijet final states / B. Abbott ... (et. al). --En: Physical review d. -- Vol. 60,;01200 (1999); p. 1-25. -- Search for bottom squarks in ppcollisions at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott ...;(et. al). -- En: Physical review d. -- Vol. 60, 031101 (1999);p. 1-5. --Measurement of the top quark mass in;the dilepton channel / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physicalreview d.-- Vol. 60, 052001 (1999); p. 1-21.;'-- Studies of WW and WZ production and limits On anomalousWWyand WWZ couplings / B. Abbott ... (et. al). --;En: Physical review d. -- Vol. 60, 072002 (1999); p. 1-14.--Determination of the absolute jet energy scale;in the D0 calorimeters / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Nuclearinstruments amd methods in physics research A;compositeness scales / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physicalreview letters. -- Vol. 82, no. 24 (1999); p.;4769-4980. -- Measurement of the top quark pair productioncrosssection in the all-jets decay channel / B.;Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. -- Vol. 83no. 10 (1999); p. 1908-1913. -- Search for;second generation leptoquark pairs decaying to pp + Jets in ppcollisionsraiz de s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott ...;PONENCIA(S) EN CONGRESO: VRBC : VME readout buffer controller-D'-ZERO central tracking upgrade / Antonio;Collantes, Daniel Mendoza. -- En: DZERO central tracking upgradeVME readout buffer controller - VRBC ( 2000;Feb.). -- (s.l.) : Fermi National Accelerator laboratory,2000.-- 28 cm.-- ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA:;Experimental search for chargino and neutralino productioninsupersymmetry models with a light gravitino / B.;Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. -- Vol. 80no. 3 (1998); p. 442-447. -- Measurement of;dijet angular distribution and search for quark compositeness/B. Abbott... (et. al). -- En: Physical review;letters. -- Vol. 80, no. 4 (1998); p. 666-671. -- Search for trilepton signatures from associated gaugino pair;production / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. -- Vol. 80, no. 8 (1998); p. 1591-1596.;fermilab tevatron / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review d. -- Vol. 58, 0120002 (1998); p. 65-113.; Limits on anomalous WWy and WWZ couplings / B. Abbott ... (et. al). --En: Physical review d. -- Vol. 58,;352-394.;(et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. -- Vol. 83, no.15 (1999); p. 2896-2901. -- Search for R-parity;violating supersymmetry in the dielectron channel / B. Abbott... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. --;Vol. 83, no. 22 (1999); p. 4476-4481. -- Measurement of the Wboston massusing electrons at large rapidities;/ B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters.--Vol. 84, no.2 (2000); p. 222-227. -- Search for;second - generation leptoquark pairs in pp collisions raizdes= 1.8 TeV/ B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En:;Physical review letters. -- Vol. 84, no. 10 (2000); p. 2084404493. -- Isolated photon cross section in pp;collisions at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott ... (et. al). --En: Physical review letters. -- Vol. 84, no. 13;(2000); p. 2786-2791. -- Differential production cross sectionof Z bosonas a function of transverse momentum;at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physicalreview letters. -- Vol. 84, no. 13 (2000); p.;2792-2797. -- Search for top squark pair production in thedielectron channel / B. Abbott ... (et. al). --;En: Physical review d. -- Vol. 57, no. 1 (1998); p. 55-57.--Zyproduction in pp collisions at raiz de s '=;1.8 TeV and limits on anomalous ZZy and Zyy couplings / B.Abbott ... ( -- En: Physical review d. --;Vol. 57, no. 7 (1998); p. 57-64. -- Determination of the massofthe W boson using the D0 detector at the;(1999); p. 2457-2462. -- Measurement of the high-mass drell-yancross section and limits on quark-electron;leptoquark pairs in pp collisions at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV/ B.Abbott ...(et. al). -- En: Physical review;letters. -- Vol. 80, no. 10 (1998); p. 2051-2056. -- Measurementof the top quark mass using dilepton events /;B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. --Vol.80, no. 10(1998); p. 2063-3013. --;Measurement of the shape of the transverse momentum distributionof W bosons produced in pp collisions raiz de;s '= 1.8 TeV / B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical reviewletters. --Vol. 80, no. 25 (1998); p.;5498-5503. -- Search for charge - 1/3 third-generation leptoquarks in pp collisions at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV /;B. Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review letters. --Vol.81, no. 1(1998); p. 38-43. -- Search for;heavy pointlike dirac monopoles / B. Abbott ... (et. al).--En: Physicalreview letters. -- Vol. 81, no. 3;(1998); p. 524-529. -- Search for squarks and gluinos in single-photon events with Jets and Large missing;transverse energy in pp collisions at raiz de s '= 1.8 TeV/B.Abbott ... (et. al). -- En: Physical review
dc.description.projectidIP 1204-05-285-96
dc.format.dimensions28 cm.
dc.format.extent917 p.
dc.publisher.nameUniversidad de los Andes,
dc.publisher.placeBogotá :
dc.subject.lembCIENCIAS BASICAS
dc.subject.lembFISICA - EXPERIMENTOS
dc.subject.lembENERGIA ELECTRICA
dc.titlePrograma de física experimental de altas energías :parte II

