Física de nanoestructuras semiconductoras espectroscopia ultrarrápida

dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Dueñas, Ferney Javier
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Neil F.
dc.contributor.authorTejedor de Paz, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorOlaya Castro, Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorVillalobos Durán, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorReina Estupiñan, John Henry
dc.contributor.authorLee, Chiu Fun
dc.contributor.corporationUniversidad de los Andes (Colombia)
dc.creator.authorQuiroga Puello, Luis
dc.description.contentARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Theory of optical spectra of polarquantum wells :temperature effects / F.J.;Rodriguez. -- En: Physical review B. -- Vol. 64, 115316 (2001);p. 1-9. --Restrictions on the coherence of;the ultrafast optical emission from an electron-hole-paircondensate / A.Olaya Castro, F.J. Rodriguez, L.;Quiroga and C.Tejedor. -- En: Restrictions on the coherence ofthe ultrafast optical emission from an;electron-hole-pair condensate. -- Vol. 87, no. 24 (2001);p. 1-4. -- Decoherence of quantum register / John H.;Reina, Luis Quiroga and Neil Johnson. -- En: Physical review A.-- Vol. 65, 032326 (2002); p. 1-14. -- Quantum;information processing in semiconductor nanostructures / JohnHenry Reina,Luis Quiroga and Neil Johnson. --;En: arXiv : quant-ph / 0009035. -- Vol. 2 (sep. 2000); p.46388.'-- Quantumcoherence, correlated noise and;parrondo games / Chiu Fan Lee and Neil F. Johnson. -- En:arXiv: quant-ph/ 0210185. -- Vol. 1 (oct. 2002);p. 1-8. -- Ultrafast non-linear optical signal from a single quantum dot :exciton and biexciton effects;Ultrafast non-linear optical signal from a single quantumdot:exciton and biexciton effects / A. Reyes, F.J.;Rodriguez and L. Quiroga. -- En: arXiv : quant-ph / 0208588. --Vol. 1 (ago. 2002); p. 1-11. -- PONENCIA(S) EN;CONGRESO: Ultrafast optical coherence transfer from an electron-hole-paircondensate / L. Quiroga, A. Olaya;Castro, F.J. Rodriguez and C. Tejedor. -- p. 138. -- En: International conference on the physics of;semiconductors (26 : 2002 Jul. 29 - Aug. 2 : Edinburgh, Scotland, UK). --Edinburgh : Edinburgh International;Conference Centre, 2002. -- 28 cm. -- New optical signatures onthe ultrafast response of a single quantum dot;/ F.J. Rodriguez, L. Quiroga and N.F. Johnson. -- p. 222.'-- en:International conference on the physics of;semiconductors (26 : 2002 Jul. 29 - Aug. 2 : Edinburgh, Scotland, UK). --Edinburgh : Edinburgh International,;2002. -- 28 cm.
dc.description.projectidIP 1204-05-10326
dc.format.dimensions28 cm.
dc.format.extent122 p.
dc.publisher.nameUniversidad de los Andes
dc.publisher.placeBogotá :
dc.subject.lembCIENCIAS BASICAS
dc.subject.lembPOZOS CUANTICOS
dc.subject.lembTEORIA CUANTICA
dc.titleFísica de nanoestructuras semiconductoras espectroscopia ultrarrápida

