Mitochondria damages under the induction of the inner membrane permeability transition and their prevention by antioxidants

dc.contributor.authorSegura Latorre, César Hernando
dc.contributor.authorAristizabal, Diego Luis
dc.contributor.authorRendón, Darío Alonso
dc.contributor.authorLemeshko, Sergy V.
dc.contributor.authorLópez, Luis Fernando
dc.contributor.authorSolano, Sigifredo
dc.contributor.authorTorres, Ricardo
dc.contributor.corporationUniversidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellin)
dc.creator.authorLemeshko, Viktor
dc.description.contentv.1. Informe final -- v.2. Ficha tecnica del informe final.
dc.description.contentARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Mg2+ induces intermembrane electron transport by cytochrome c desorption in;mitochondria with the ruptured outer membrane. -- En: FEBSLetters. -- No.472 (2000): p. 5-8.-- Failure of;exogenous NADH and cytochrome c to support energy-dependent swelling of mitochondria. -- En: Archives of;motive force generation in rat liver mitochondria. -- p. 324.--En: European biophysics congress ( 3 : 2000;Sep. 9-13 : Munchen, Germany). -- Munchen : German BiophysicalSociety cm.;biochemistry and biophysics. -- Vol. 388, no. 1 (Apr. 2001); p.60-66. --Metabolically derived potential;onthe outer membrane of mitochondria: a computational model /Sergy V. Lemeshko and Victor V. Lemeshko. -- En:;Biophysical journal. -- Vol. 79 ( Dec. 2000); p. 2785-2800. --Biphasic oxidation of mitochondrial NAD(P)H. --;En: Biochemical and biophysical research communications. -'- no.291 (2002); p. 170-175. -- Accion del;otobafenol de Virola aff. Pavonis sobre la permeabilizacion originada en la mitocondria por el prooxidante;tert-butilhidroperoxido / Luis Fernando Lopez, Sigifredo Solano,Ricardo Torres, Diego Luis Aristizabal, Dario;Alonso Rendon y Victor Lemeshko. -- En: Actualidades biologicas.'-- Vol.24, no 76 (2002); p. 5-12. --;Cytochrome c sorption-desorption effects on the external NADHoxidation bymitochondria. -- En: The journal of;biological chemistry. -- Vol. 277, no. 20 (May. 2002); p.1775-117757. --Model of the outer membrane;potential generation by the inner membrane of mitochondria. --En: Biophysical journal. -- Vol. 82 (Feb.;2002); p. 684-692. -- PONENCIA(S) EN CONGRESO: Mitochondrial outer membrane rupture in mechanisms of apoptosis;and aging. -- p.107. -- En: Molecular mechanisms of apoptosis/keystone symposia (2001 Jan. 16-22 : Keystone,;Colorado). -- Keystone : Yamanouchi USA Foundation, 2001.'-- 28cm. -- External NADH oxidation and proton
dc.description.projectidIP 1118-05-261-97
dc.format.dimensions28 cm.
dc.format.extent2 v.
dc.publisher.nameUniversidad Nacional de Colombia,
dc.publisher.placeMedellin :
dc.subject.lembCIENCIAS BASICAS
dc.titleMitochondria damages under the induction of the inner membrane permeability transition and their prevention by antioxidants

