Publication: Magnetic character study of Fe-Mn-Al, Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys | Barona, W. | | | Medina Barreto, M. H. | | | Gancedo, J. R. | | | Cruz, B. | | | Bohórquez, Alberto | | | Tabares, Jesús A. | | | J. F. Marco | | | González, J. M. | | | Sánchez Sthepa, H. | | | González, Claudia | | | Medina, G. | | | Grenech, Jean Marc | | | Suriñach, S. | | | Muñoz, J. S. | | | Baro, M. D. | | | Oyola, D. | | | Rojas Martínez, Y. | | | Bustos Rodríguez, H. | | | Medina, M. | | | Aguilar, Y. | | | Zamora, Ligia E. | | | Rodríguez, R. | | | Sánchez, H. | | | Fajardo, M. | | | Morales, A. L. | | | González, J. M. | | | Barrero, C. A. | | | Tobin, J. | | | Pérez, G. A. | | | Ornache, O. | | | Betancur, J.D. | | | Giraldo, M. A. | | | Sort, J. | | | Salazar, M. | | | Plascak, J. A. | | | Aguirre, W. R. | | | Rico Castro, M. M. | | | Restrepo, J. | | | Landau, D. P. | | | A., Hernando | | | Ardisson, J. D. | | | A. A. Macedo, Waldemar | | | Valderruten, J. F. | | | Jiménez, J. A. | | | Gancedo, J. R. | | | Barraza Burgos, Juan Manuel | | | Reyes, F. | | | Pérez Alcázar, German Antonio | | | 2019-03-04T04:10:22Z | | | 2019-03-04T04:10:22Z | | | 2002 | |
dc.description.content | aleadas / M.M. Rico y G.A. Perez Alcazar. -- En: Revista colombiana de fisica. -- Vol. 32, no. 1 (2000); p.;ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Estudio comparativo de aleacionesFe0.70'--xMnxAI0.30 fundidas y mecanicamente;'- Room temperature magnetic properties of the mechanicallyalloyed Fe0.8-xAl0.2 system / J. Restrepo, G. A.;Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez. - En: Latin american simposiumonsolid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 :;Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). - Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28cm. - Magnetic and structural study of;Fe0.7--xMnxAl0.3 mechanically alloyed alloys. / M. M. Rico, G.A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez, A. Hernando.;- En: Latin american simposium on solid state physics (15: 1999 Nov. 1-5: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). -;Cartagena : (s.l.), 1999. 28 cm. - Magnetic and structuralpropiertes of Fe1--x Alx alloyns produced by;mechanics alloying. / Y. Rojas, D. Oyola, G. A. Perez Alcazar.-En: Latinamerican simposium on solid state;physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias, Colombia).-Cartagena: (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. -;Mechanical alloying of ductile FeMnAlCCu samples. / B. Cruz, G.A. Perez Alcazar. - En: International;symposium on metastable, mechanically alloyed and nanocrystalline materials (2001 : Jun. 24-29 : Michigan;Union, University of Michigan). -- Michigan Union, UniversityofMichigan: 2001. 28 cm. - Influence of B;content on the structural and magnetic properties of Fe60Mn10Al30--xBx prepared by mechanical alloying. / M.;M. Rico, J. Sort, S. Suriñach, J. M. Greneche, G. A. PerezAlcazar, J. S.Muñoz, M. D. Baro. - En:;International symposium on metastable, mechanically alloyed andnanocrystalline materials (2001 : Jun. 24-29 :;Michigan Union, University of Michigan). -- Michigan Union, University ofMichigan : 2001. 28 cm. - Sintering;of Fe0.50Mn0.412Al0.075C0.01Cu0.003 alloys. / B. Cruz, G.A.Perez Alcazar, J. D. Ardisson, Waldemar A. A.;Macedo. - En: International symposium on metastable, mechanically alloyedand nanocrystalline materials (2001;: Jun. 24-29 : Michigan Union, University of Michigan). --Michigan Union,University of Michigan : 2001. 28;cm. - Magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed FexMn0.70--xAl0.30 x '=0.40 and 0.45 alloys. / M. M. Rico,;G. Medina, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. S. Muñoz, S. Surinach,M. D.Baro. - En: First seeheim conference on;magnetism (2001 : sept. 9-13 : Seeheim, Germany). -- Seeheim,Germany : 2001. 28 cm. - Mossbauer study of;FeXMn.0.65--XAl0.35 disordered alloys series / Claudia Gonzalez,J. M. Greneche, G. A. Perez Alcazar. - En:;International conference on the applications of the mossbauereffect (2001: sep. 2-7 : Institute of Physics).;67--82. -- ISSN Caracterizacion mossbauer de diferentes minerales auriferos colombianos / Ligia E. Zamora, M.;Fajardo, J. Mojica, G.A. Perez Alcazar, J.A. Tabares y A.Bohorquez. -- En: Revista colombiana de fisica. --;Vol. 32, no.1 (2000); p. 136--140. -- Magnetic Propertiesof FexMn0.3AI0.7--x (0.275 < x < 0.525) disordered;alloys / Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. A. Tabares,A.Bohorquez, J. F. Marco, J. M. Gonzalez. - En:;Journal phys matter. - No. 12 (2000); p. 611--621. -- Magneticpropertiesof Fe0.9--qMn0.1AIq disordered;alloys: theory / J. Restrepo, A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Physicalreview B. -Vol. 61, no. 9 (Mar 1 2000); p.;5880--5883. -- Interpretation based on a binomial method of thehyperfinefield distributions of disordered;Fe0.9--xMn0.1AIx alloys / J. Restrepo, G. A. Perez Alcazar. -En: Journalof magnetism and magnetic materials.;- No. 213 (2000); p. 135--142. -- Magnetic properties of disordered Fe0.9--xAIx alloys / J. Restrepo, G. A.;Perez Alcazar. -- En: Journal of applied physics. - Vol. 87, No.10 (May 15 2000); p. 7425--7429. -- Room;temperature magnetic properties of quenched disordered FeAI alloys: a simulational study / J. Restrepo, G. A.;FexMn0.70--xAl030 (x '= 0.40 and 0.45) alloys Vol. 189, no.3 (2002); p. 811--816. -- Site diluted quantum;heisenberg spin model applied to the magnetic properties of Fe--Al disordered alloys / M. Salazar, Ligia E.;Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. A. Plascak, W. R. Aguirre.'- en:Physica B. - No. 320 (2002); p. 236--238. --;Magnetic properties of the FexMn0.600--xAl0.400, 0.200 < xz 0.600, disordered alloy series / C. Gonzalez, G.;A. Perez Alcazar, Ligia E. Zamora, Jesus A Tabares, J. M.Greneche. - En:J. phys condens. Matter. - No. 14;(2002); p. 6531--6542. -- Development of magnetic softnessinhigh energyball milling alloyed Fe50B50 / J. M.;Gonzalez, G. A. Perez Alcazar, Ligia E. Zamora, J. A. Tabares,A. Bohorquez, J. R. Gancedo. - En: Journal of;magnetism and magnetic materials. -- PONENCIA(S) EN CONGRESO:Evolucion de las propiedades fisicas durante la;sinterizacion del sistema Fe0.45Mn0.25Al0.30 preparado pormezcla elemental / M. Medina, G. A. Perez Alcazar,;Y. Aguilar. -- En: Congreso nacional de fisica (19 : 2001sep.24-28 : Manizales, Colombia). -- Manizales;:Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2001. - 28 cm. -- Analisisestructuralde la serie Fe60Mn10Al30-xBx(2<x<10);preparado por aleamiento mecanico / M.M. Rico, J. Sort, D.Baro,S. Suriñach, J.M. Greneche, G. A. Perez;Alcazar. -- En: Congreso nacional de fisica (19 : 2001 sep. 24-28 : Manizales, Colombia). -- Manizales :;Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2001. - 28 cm. -- Propiedadesmagneticasy estructurales de aleaciones;Fe1--xAlx producidas por aleamiento mecanico / D. Oyola Lozano,Y. Rojas Martinez, H. Bustos Rodriguez. - En:;Congreso nacional de fisica (19 : 2001 sep. 24-28 : Manizales,Colombia).'-- Manizales : Universidad nacional;de Colombia, 2001. - 28 cm. - A random bond ising model appliedto the magnetic properties of Fe0.6--xMnxAl0.4;FexMn0.70--xAl030 (x '= 0.40 and 0.45) alloys / M.M. Rico,G. Medina, G. A.Perez Alcazar, J. S. Muñoz, S.;from guachinte mine in Colombia. / F. Reyes, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Barraza, A. Bohorquez, J. A. Tabares,;N. L. Speciali. - En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.)2002.'- Mossbauer and X--RAY Characterization of;Fe0.2Mn0.4Al0.4 mechanically powders. / Claudia Gonzalez,J. M.Greneche,G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. A. Tabares.;- En: Lacame (2002 : Sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Study oftheevolution in the iron oxide synthesis by a;hydrothermal process. / E. Delgado, A. Bohorquez, G. A. PerezAlcazar, A.Bolaños. - En: Lacame (2002 : sep.;23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - On the analysis of the mossbauer spectraof the rust converted by tannic and;phosphoric acids. / C. A. Barrero, J. F. Rios, A.L Morales, A.Bohorquez,G. A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Lacame;(2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Study of the changesinduced in the surface of FeNi alloys below the;invar Ni concentration by AN oxidative process using cems/ J.A. Tabares,A. Cortes, G. A. Perez Alcazar, A.;Bohorquez. - En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002.- Constructionand improvement of an spherical;electrostatic electron energy analyser for depth selectiveconversion electron mossbaur spectroscopy. / J. A.;Tabares, W. Castro, G. A. Perez Alcazar, A. Bohorquez. En:Lacame (2002 :sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. --;Thermal driven and ball milled haematite to magnetite transformations. / J.D. Betancur, J. Restrepo, J. Mazo;Baro. - En: Journal of metastable and nunocrystalline materials.- Vol. 10(2000); p. 565--570. -- A;comparative study on the magnetic properties of arc meltedandball milledFe0.9--xMn0.1Aix alloys / J.;Restrepo, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez. - En: Hyperfineinteractions. - No. 134 (2001); p. 27--35. --;Magnetic properties of the mechanically alloyed (Fe0.85Mn0.15)0.3Cu0.7 system / J. Restrepo, A. L. Morales, J.;M. Gonzalez, G. A. Perez Alcazar, G. Medina, C. A. Barrero, J.Tobon, G. Perez, O. Ornache, J. D. Betancur, M.;A. Giraldo. - En: Hyperfine interactions. - No. 134 (2001); p.199--206. -'- Influence of the B content On the;structural and magnetic properties of Fe60Mn10Al30--xBx preparedby mechanical alloying / M.M. Rico, J. Sort,;S. Suriñach, J. S. Muñoz, J. M. Greneche, G. A. Perez Alcazar,M. D. Baro.- En: Materials science forum. -;Vols. 386--388 (2002); p. 497--502. -- Magnetic and structuralpropertiesof mechanically alloyed; Institute of Physics : (s.l.), 2001 - Magnetic and structuralproperties of Fe-Mn-Al alloys produced by;mechanical alloying. / G. A. Perez Alcazar, Ligia E. Zamora, J.A. Tabares, A. Bohorquez. - En: Lacame (2002 :;Sept. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Bulk magnetic properties ofFe0.5Mn0.1Al0.4disordered alloys: Experiment and;monte carlo simulation. / J. Restrepo, Claudia Gonzalez, G. A.Perez Alcazar, J. M. Greneche, O. Arnache. -;En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Nb effecton theproperties of the system Fe0.6Mn0.1Al0.3. /;Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Greneche, J. F. Valderruten. -En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s.;l.) 2002. - Study by surface spectroscopies of corrosion behaviour fermanal alloys in humic medias contamined;with SO2. / V. F. Rodriguez, A. Bohorquez, G. A. Perez Alcazar,J. A. Jimenez, J. R. Gancedo. - En: Lacame;(2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Quantification of pyriticsulfur of one Colombian coal by mossbauer;spectroscopy. / F. Reyes, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Barraza,A.Bohorquez, J. A. Tabares. - En: Lacame (2002;: sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Enhanced binomial method for hyperfine field distributions of the mechanically;alloyed Fe--Si system. / H. Sanchez Sthepa, J. Restrepo, M. Fajardo, G. A.Perez Alcazar. - En: Lacame (2002 :;sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Characterization of mineral matterby mossbauer spectroscopy and XRD of coals;Perez Alcazar, D. P. Landau. -- En: Journal of applied physics.-- Vol. 87, no. 9 (May 1 2000); p. 6528--6530.;'-- Room temperature magnetic properties of the mechanically alloyed Fe0.8--xMnxAI0.2 system / J. Restrepo, G.;A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. -No.220 (2000);p. 429--434. -- Hyperfine magnetic;field distributions of Fe0.8--qMnqAI0.2 disordered alloys:interpretationin a local model / J. Restrepo, G.;A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000);p.395--399. --Magnetic and structural study of;mechanically alloyed Fe0.7--xMnxAI0.3 / M.M. Rico, Ligia E. Zamora, G. A.Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez, A.;Hernando. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p. 445--448.'-- Magnetic and structural behavior of;mechanically alloyed FexMn0.912--xAI0.075Cu0.003 alloys with 0.50 < x <0.80 / B. Cruz, G. A. Perez Alcazar, Y.;Aguilar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p. 381--383.-'- Effect of milling time and composition on;the magnetic and estructural properties of the system FexMn0.95AL0.05 (0.40 < x < 0.50 / R. Rodriguez, G. A.;Perez Alcazar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p.441--444. -- Arandom bond ising model applied to;the magnetic properties of FexMn0.6--xAI0.4 disordered alloys/Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, A.;Bohorquez. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p. 363'--367.'-- Description in a local model of the;magnetic field distributions of mechanically alloyed Fe--Si (3.5wt%) / H.Sanchez Sthepa, J. Restrepo, M.;Fajardo, G. A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No.220(2000); p.347--349. -- Mossbauer spectroscopy;and X--ray diffraction study of FexMn0.70--xAl0.30 (0.40 <x <0.70) alloys prepared by mechanical alloying /;M.M Rico, M. H. Medina Barreto, G. A. Perez Alcazar. -- En: Hyperfine interactions. - No. 128 (2000); p.;503--510. -- Magnetic phase diagram of the FexMn0.60--xAi0.40(0.20 < x <0.60) alloys mechanically alloyed;for 48 hours / C. Gonzalez, G. Medina, J. M. Greneche, G.A. Perez Alcazar, S. Suriñach, J. S. Muñoz, M. D.;Suriñach, M. D. Baro. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. -- Magnetic and structural properties of mechanically alloyed;cm. - Description in a local model of the magnetic field distributions ofmechanically alloyed and melting;Fe-Si (3.5% wt.) alloys / H. Sanchez Sthepa, J. Restrepo,W. Barona, M. Fajardo, G. Perez Alcazar. - En: Latin;american simposium on solid state physics -- (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). - Cartagena;: (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. -- Magnetic and structural behaviour ofmecanically alloyed;FexMn0.912--xAl0.075C0.01Cu0.03 alloys with 0.50 '= x '= 0.80 /B.Cruz, G.A. Perez Alcazar, Y. Aguilar. - En:;Latin american simposium on solid state physics (15 : 1999Nov.1-5 : Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). -;Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. -- Hyperfine magnetic fielddistributions of Fe0.8--qMnqAl0.2 disordered;alloys: interpretation in a local model / J. Restrepo, G.A. Perez Alcazar'- en: Latin American simposium On;solid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias,Colombia).- Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm.; Effect of milling time and composition On the magneticandstructuralproperties of the system;FexMn0,95--xAl0,05 0,40 '= x '= 0,50. / Ruby Rodriguez, G. A. Perez Alcazar.'- en: Latin American simposium On;disordered alloys / Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar,A. Bohorquez. -En: Latin american simposium on;solid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias,Colombia).- Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. - 28;solid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias,Colombia).- Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. | |
dc.description.projectid | IP 1106-05-222-99 | |
dc.format.dimensions | 28 cm. | |
dc.format.extent | 238 h. | |
dc.format.other | il. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | | | Universidad del Valle, | | | Cali : | |
dc.subject.lemb | CIENCIAS BASICAS | |
dc.subject.lemb | ALEACIONES | |
dc.subject.lemb | MAGNETISMO | |
dc.subject.lemb | ESPECTROSCOPIA | |
dc.title | Magnetic character study of Fe-Mn-Al, Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys | |
dspace.entity.type | Publication |