Magnetic character study of Fe-Mn-Al, Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys

dc.contributor.authorBarona, W.
dc.contributor.authorMedina Barreto, M. H.
dc.contributor.authorGancedo, J. R.
dc.contributor.authorCruz, B.
dc.contributor.authorBohórquez, Alberto
dc.contributor.authorTabares, Jesús A.
dc.contributor.authorJ. F. Marco
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Sthepa, H.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, Claudia
dc.contributor.authorMedina, G.
dc.contributor.authorGrenech, Jean Marc
dc.contributor.authorSuriñach, S.
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz, J. S.
dc.contributor.authorBaro, M. D.
dc.contributor.authorOyola, D.
dc.contributor.authorRojas Martínez, Y.
dc.contributor.authorBustos Rodríguez, H.
dc.contributor.authorMedina, M.
dc.contributor.authorAguilar, Y.
dc.contributor.authorZamora, Ligia E.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, R.
dc.contributor.authorSánchez, H.
dc.contributor.authorFajardo, M.
dc.contributor.authorMorales, A. L.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorBarrero, C. A.
dc.contributor.authorTobin, J.
dc.contributor.authorPérez, G. A.
dc.contributor.authorOrnache, O.
dc.contributor.authorBetancur, J.D.
dc.contributor.authorGiraldo, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorSort, J.
dc.contributor.authorSalazar, M.
dc.contributor.authorPlascak, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorAguirre, W. R.
dc.contributor.authorRico Castro, M. M.
dc.contributor.authorRestrepo, J.
dc.contributor.authorLandau, D. P.
dc.contributor.authorA., Hernando
dc.contributor.authorArdisson, J. D.
dc.contributor.authorA. A. Macedo, Waldemar
dc.contributor.authorValderruten, J. F.
dc.contributor.authorJiménez, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorGancedo, J. R.
dc.contributor.authorBarraza Burgos, Juan Manuel
dc.contributor.authorReyes, F.
dc.creator.authorPérez Alcázar, German Antonio
dc.description.contentaleadas / M.M. Rico y G.A. Perez Alcazar. -- En: Revista colombiana de fisica. -- Vol. 32, no. 1 (2000); p.;ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Estudio comparativo de aleacionesFe0.70'--xMnxAI0.30 fundidas y mecanicamente;'- Room temperature magnetic properties of the mechanicallyalloyed Fe0.8-xAl0.2 system / J. Restrepo, G. A.;Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez. - En: Latin american simposiumonsolid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 :;Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). - Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28cm. - Magnetic and structural study of;Fe0.7--xMnxAl0.3 mechanically alloyed alloys. / M. M. Rico, G.A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez, A. Hernando.;- En: Latin american simposium on solid state physics (15: 1999 Nov. 1-5: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). -;Cartagena : (s.l.), 1999. 28 cm. - Magnetic and structuralpropiertes of Fe1--x Alx alloyns produced by;mechanics alloying. / Y. Rojas, D. Oyola, G. A. Perez Alcazar.-En: Latinamerican simposium on solid state;physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias, Colombia).-Cartagena: (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. -;Mechanical alloying of ductile FeMnAlCCu samples. / B. Cruz, G.A. Perez Alcazar. - En: International;symposium on metastable, mechanically alloyed and nanocrystalline materials (2001 : Jun. 24-29 : Michigan;Union, University of Michigan). -- Michigan Union, UniversityofMichigan: 2001. 28 cm. - Influence of B;content on the structural and magnetic properties of Fe60Mn10Al30--xBx prepared by mechanical alloying. / M.;M. Rico, J. Sort, S. Suriñach, J. M. Greneche, G. A. PerezAlcazar, J. S.Muñoz, M. D. Baro. - En:;International symposium on metastable, mechanically alloyed andnanocrystalline materials (2001 : Jun. 24-29 :;Michigan Union, University of Michigan). -- Michigan Union, University ofMichigan : 2001. 28 cm. - Sintering;of Fe0.50Mn0.412Al0.075C0.01Cu0.003 alloys. / B. Cruz, G.A.Perez Alcazar, J. D. Ardisson, Waldemar A. A.;Macedo. - En: International symposium on metastable, mechanically alloyedand nanocrystalline materials (2001;: Jun. 24-29 : Michigan Union, University of Michigan). --Michigan Union,University of Michigan : 2001. 28;cm. - Magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed FexMn0.70--xAl0.30 x '=0.40 and 0.45 alloys. / M. M. Rico,;G. Medina, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. S. Muñoz, S. Surinach,M. D.Baro. - En: First seeheim conference on;magnetism (2001 : sept. 9-13 : Seeheim, Germany). -- Seeheim,Germany : 2001. 28 cm. - Mossbauer study of;FeXMn.0.65--XAl0.35 disordered alloys series / Claudia Gonzalez,J. M. Greneche, G. A. Perez Alcazar. - En:;International conference on the applications of the mossbauereffect (2001: sep. 2-7 : Institute of Physics).;67--82. -- ISSN Caracterizacion mossbauer de diferentes minerales auriferos colombianos / Ligia E. Zamora, M.;Fajardo, J. Mojica, G.A. Perez Alcazar, J.A. Tabares y A.Bohorquez. -- En: Revista colombiana de fisica. --;Vol. 32, no.1 (2000); p. 136--140. -- Magnetic Propertiesof FexMn0.3AI0.7--x (0.275 < x < 0.525) disordered;alloys / Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. A. Tabares,A.Bohorquez, J. F. Marco, J. M. Gonzalez. - En:;Journal phys matter. - No. 12 (2000); p. 611--621. -- Magneticpropertiesof Fe0.9--qMn0.1AIq disordered;alloys: theory / J. Restrepo, A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Physicalreview B. -Vol. 61, no. 9 (Mar 1 2000); p.;5880--5883. -- Interpretation based on a binomial method of thehyperfinefield distributions of disordered;Fe0.9--xMn0.1AIx alloys / J. Restrepo, G. A. Perez Alcazar. -En: Journalof magnetism and magnetic materials.;- No. 213 (2000); p. 135--142. -- Magnetic properties of disordered Fe0.9--xAIx alloys / J. Restrepo, G. A.;Perez Alcazar. -- En: Journal of applied physics. - Vol. 87, No.10 (May 15 2000); p. 7425--7429. -- Room;temperature magnetic properties of quenched disordered FeAI alloys: a simulational study / J. Restrepo, G. A.;FexMn0.70--xAl030 (x '= 0.40 and 0.45) alloys Vol. 189, no.3 (2002); p. 811--816. -- Site diluted quantum;heisenberg spin model applied to the magnetic properties of Fe--Al disordered alloys / M. Salazar, Ligia E.;Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. A. Plascak, W. R. Aguirre.'- en:Physica B. - No. 320 (2002); p. 236--238. --;Magnetic properties of the FexMn0.600--xAl0.400, 0.200 < xz 0.600, disordered alloy series / C. Gonzalez, G.;A. Perez Alcazar, Ligia E. Zamora, Jesus A Tabares, J. M.Greneche. - En:J. phys condens. Matter. - No. 14;(2002); p. 6531--6542. -- Development of magnetic softnessinhigh energyball milling alloyed Fe50B50 / J. M.;Gonzalez, G. A. Perez Alcazar, Ligia E. Zamora, J. A. Tabares,A. Bohorquez, J. R. Gancedo. - En: Journal of;magnetism and magnetic materials. -- PONENCIA(S) EN CONGRESO:Evolucion de las propiedades fisicas durante la;sinterizacion del sistema Fe0.45Mn0.25Al0.30 preparado pormezcla elemental / M. Medina, G. A. Perez Alcazar,;Y. Aguilar. -- En: Congreso nacional de fisica (19 : 2001sep.24-28 : Manizales, Colombia). -- Manizales;:Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2001. - 28 cm. -- Analisisestructuralde la serie Fe60Mn10Al30-xBx(2<x<10);preparado por aleamiento mecanico / M.M. Rico, J. Sort, D.Baro,S. Suriñach, J.M. Greneche, G. A. Perez;Alcazar. -- En: Congreso nacional de fisica (19 : 2001 sep. 24-28 : Manizales, Colombia). -- Manizales :;Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2001. - 28 cm. -- Propiedadesmagneticasy estructurales de aleaciones;Fe1--xAlx producidas por aleamiento mecanico / D. Oyola Lozano,Y. Rojas Martinez, H. Bustos Rodriguez. - En:;Congreso nacional de fisica (19 : 2001 sep. 24-28 : Manizales,Colombia).'-- Manizales : Universidad nacional;de Colombia, 2001. - 28 cm. - A random bond ising model appliedto the magnetic properties of Fe0.6--xMnxAl0.4;FexMn0.70--xAl030 (x '= 0.40 and 0.45) alloys / M.M. Rico,G. Medina, G. A.Perez Alcazar, J. S. Muñoz, S.;from guachinte mine in Colombia. / F. Reyes, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Barraza, A. Bohorquez, J. A. Tabares,;N. L. Speciali. - En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.)2002.'- Mossbauer and X--RAY Characterization of;Fe0.2Mn0.4Al0.4 mechanically powders. / Claudia Gonzalez,J. M.Greneche,G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. A. Tabares.;- En: Lacame (2002 : Sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Study oftheevolution in the iron oxide synthesis by a;hydrothermal process. / E. Delgado, A. Bohorquez, G. A. PerezAlcazar, A.Bolaños. - En: Lacame (2002 : sep.;23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - On the analysis of the mossbauer spectraof the rust converted by tannic and;phosphoric acids. / C. A. Barrero, J. F. Rios, A.L Morales, A.Bohorquez,G. A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Lacame;(2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Study of the changesinduced in the surface of FeNi alloys below the;invar Ni concentration by AN oxidative process using cems/ J.A. Tabares,A. Cortes, G. A. Perez Alcazar, A.;Bohorquez. - En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002.- Constructionand improvement of an spherical;electrostatic electron energy analyser for depth selectiveconversion electron mossbaur spectroscopy. / J. A.;Tabares, W. Castro, G. A. Perez Alcazar, A. Bohorquez. En:Lacame (2002 :sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. --;Thermal driven and ball milled haematite to magnetite transformations. / J.D. Betancur, J. Restrepo, J. Mazo;Baro. - En: Journal of metastable and nunocrystalline materials.- Vol. 10(2000); p. 565--570. -- A;comparative study on the magnetic properties of arc meltedandball milledFe0.9--xMn0.1Aix alloys / J.;Restrepo, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez. - En: Hyperfineinteractions. - No. 134 (2001); p. 27--35. --;Magnetic properties of the mechanically alloyed (Fe0.85Mn0.15)0.3Cu0.7 system / J. Restrepo, A. L. Morales, J.;M. Gonzalez, G. A. Perez Alcazar, G. Medina, C. A. Barrero, J.Tobon, G. Perez, O. Ornache, J. D. Betancur, M.;A. Giraldo. - En: Hyperfine interactions. - No. 134 (2001); p.199--206. -'- Influence of the B content On the;structural and magnetic properties of Fe60Mn10Al30--xBx preparedby mechanical alloying / M.M. Rico, J. Sort,;S. Suriñach, J. S. Muñoz, J. M. Greneche, G. A. Perez Alcazar,M. D. Baro.- En: Materials science forum. -;Vols. 386--388 (2002); p. 497--502. -- Magnetic and structuralpropertiesof mechanically alloyed; Institute of Physics : (s.l.), 2001 - Magnetic and structuralproperties of Fe-Mn-Al alloys produced by;mechanical alloying. / G. A. Perez Alcazar, Ligia E. Zamora, J.A. Tabares, A. Bohorquez. - En: Lacame (2002 :;Sept. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Bulk magnetic properties ofFe0.5Mn0.1Al0.4disordered alloys: Experiment and;monte carlo simulation. / J. Restrepo, Claudia Gonzalez, G. A.Perez Alcazar, J. M. Greneche, O. Arnache. -;En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Nb effecton theproperties of the system Fe0.6Mn0.1Al0.3. /;Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Greneche, J. F. Valderruten. -En: Lacame (2002 : sep. 23), -- (s.;l.) 2002. - Study by surface spectroscopies of corrosion behaviour fermanal alloys in humic medias contamined;with SO2. / V. F. Rodriguez, A. Bohorquez, G. A. Perez Alcazar,J. A. Jimenez, J. R. Gancedo. - En: Lacame;(2002 : sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Quantification of pyriticsulfur of one Colombian coal by mossbauer;spectroscopy. / F. Reyes, G. A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Barraza,A.Bohorquez, J. A. Tabares. - En: Lacame (2002;: sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Enhanced binomial method for hyperfine field distributions of the mechanically;alloyed Fe--Si system. / H. Sanchez Sthepa, J. Restrepo, M. Fajardo, G. A.Perez Alcazar. - En: Lacame (2002 :;sep. 23), -- (s. l.) 2002. - Characterization of mineral matterby mossbauer spectroscopy and XRD of coals;Perez Alcazar, D. P. Landau. -- En: Journal of applied physics.-- Vol. 87, no. 9 (May 1 2000); p. 6528--6530.;'-- Room temperature magnetic properties of the mechanically alloyed Fe0.8--xMnxAI0.2 system / J. Restrepo, G.;A. Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. -No.220 (2000);p. 429--434. -- Hyperfine magnetic;field distributions of Fe0.8--qMnqAI0.2 disordered alloys:interpretationin a local model / J. Restrepo, G.;A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000);p.395--399. --Magnetic and structural study of;mechanically alloyed Fe0.7--xMnxAI0.3 / M.M. Rico, Ligia E. Zamora, G. A.Perez Alcazar, J. M. Gonzalez, A.;Hernando. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p. 445--448.'-- Magnetic and structural behavior of;mechanically alloyed FexMn0.912--xAI0.075Cu0.003 alloys with 0.50 < x <0.80 / B. Cruz, G. A. Perez Alcazar, Y.;Aguilar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p. 381--383.-'- Effect of milling time and composition on;the magnetic and estructural properties of the system FexMn0.95AL0.05 (0.40 < x < 0.50 / R. Rodriguez, G. A.;Perez Alcazar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p.441--444. -- Arandom bond ising model applied to;the magnetic properties of FexMn0.6--xAI0.4 disordered alloys/Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar, A.;Bohorquez. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No. 220 (2000); p. 363'--367.'-- Description in a local model of the;magnetic field distributions of mechanically alloyed Fe--Si (3.5wt%) / H.Sanchez Sthepa, J. Restrepo, M.;Fajardo, G. A. Perez Alcazar. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. - No.220(2000); p.347--349. -- Mossbauer spectroscopy;and X--ray diffraction study of FexMn0.70--xAl0.30 (0.40 <x <0.70) alloys prepared by mechanical alloying /;M.M Rico, M. H. Medina Barreto, G. A. Perez Alcazar. -- En: Hyperfine interactions. - No. 128 (2000); p.;503--510. -- Magnetic phase diagram of the FexMn0.60--xAi0.40(0.20 < x <0.60) alloys mechanically alloyed;for 48 hours / C. Gonzalez, G. Medina, J. M. Greneche, G.A. Perez Alcazar, S. Suriñach, J. S. Muñoz, M. D.;Suriñach, M. D. Baro. - En: Phys. Stat. sol. -- Magnetic and structural properties of mechanically alloyed;cm. - Description in a local model of the magnetic field distributions ofmechanically alloyed and melting;Fe-Si (3.5% wt.) alloys / H. Sanchez Sthepa, J. Restrepo,W. Barona, M. Fajardo, G. Perez Alcazar. - En: Latin;american simposium on solid state physics -- (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). - Cartagena;: (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. -- Magnetic and structural behaviour ofmecanically alloyed;FexMn0.912--xAl0.075C0.01Cu0.03 alloys with 0.50 '= x '= 0.80 /B.Cruz, G.A. Perez Alcazar, Y. Aguilar. - En:;Latin american simposium on solid state physics (15 : 1999Nov.1-5 : Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). -;Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm. -- Hyperfine magnetic fielddistributions of Fe0.8--qMnqAl0.2 disordered;alloys: interpretation in a local model / J. Restrepo, G.A. Perez Alcazar'- en: Latin American simposium On;solid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias,Colombia).- Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm.; Effect of milling time and composition On the magneticandstructuralproperties of the system;FexMn0,95--xAl0,05 0,40 '= x '= 0,50. / Ruby Rodriguez, G. A. Perez Alcazar.'- en: Latin American simposium On;disordered alloys / Ligia E. Zamora, G. A. Perez Alcazar,A. Bohorquez. -En: Latin american simposium on;solid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias,Colombia).- Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. - 28;solid state physics (15 : 1999 Nov. 1-5 : Cartagena de Indias,Colombia).- Cartagena : (s. l.), 1999. 28 cm.
dc.description.projectidIP 1106-05-222-99
dc.format.dimensions28 cm.
dc.format.extent238 h.
dc.publisher.nameUniversidad del Valle,
dc.publisher.placeCali :
dc.subject.lembCIENCIAS BASICAS
dc.titleMagnetic character study of Fe-Mn-Al, Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys

