Publication: Strengthening Germany's role in the global knowledge society: Strategy of the Federal Government for the Internationalization of Science and Research
Germany. Federal MInistry of Education and Research
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"The Strategy for the Internationalization of Science and Research, which was passed by the Cabinet on 20
February 2008, is yet another important step towards developing solutions to the challenges posed by
globalization. After all, more than 90 percent of all global knowledge is generated outside Germany. We
want to use this knowledge potential for the benefit of German research. At the same time, we are willing to
take on more international responsibility and contribute more of our knowledge to international
collaborations in order to develop joint strategies and technologies that will help us meet global challenges,
such as climate change and energy efficiency. By engaging in a structured dialogue about research policy
issues, particularly with emerging countries, we want to make an effective contribution to the development
of joint initiatives..."
Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación -- Alemania, Investigación científica -- Alemania, Innovaciones tecnológicas -- Alemania