The Oxford Handbook of Innovation

dc.contributor.authorFagerberg, Jan
dc.contributor.authorMowery, David C.
dc.contributor.authorNelson, Richard R
dc.description"This handbook looks to provide academies and students with a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the phenomenon of innovation. Innovation spans a number of fields within the social sciences and humanities: Management, Economies, Geography, Sociology, Policy Studies, Psychology, and History. Consequently, the rapidly increasing body of literature on innovation is characterized by a multitude of perspectives based on, or cutting across, existing disciplines and specializations. Scholars of innovation can come from such diverse starting points that much of this literature can be missed, and so constructive dialogs missed."--Jacket.es_CO
dc.description.sponsorshipOxford University Presses_CO
dc.publisher.editorOxford University Presses_CO
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dc.subjectInnovaciones tecnológicases_CO
dc.subjectAptitud creadora en los negocioses_CO
dc.subject.otherTechnological innovationses_CO
dc.subject.otherCreative ability in businesses_CO
dc.titleThe Oxford Handbook of Innovationes_CO


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