New challenges for sti policy from the internationalization of R&D: the case of Russian-German R&D cooperation

dc.contributor.authorGershman A., Mikhail
dc.description"Over the last two decades national policy makers drew special attention to the implementation of policy tools which foster international cooperation in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. In this paper, we look at cases of Russian-German collaboration to examine the initiatives of the Russian government aimed at stimulating the innovation activity of domestic corporations and small and medium enterprises. The data derived from the interviews with companies’ leaders show positive effects of bilateral innovative projects on the overall business performance alongside with major barriers hindering international cooperation. To overcome these barriers we provide specific suggestions relevant to the recently developed Russian innovation Strategy 2020..."es_CO
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research University Higher School of Economicses_CO
dc.publisher.editorNational Research University Higher School of Economicses_CO
dc.source.bibliographicCitationGershman M., Kuznetsova T. (2012) Osobennosti uchastiya malikh predpriyatii v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi kooperatsii: opyt rossiisko-germanskikh kontaktov [Specificities of Involving Small Enterprises into International S&T Cooperation: Evidence from the Linkages between Russia and Germany]. ForesightRussia, vol. 6, no 3, pp. 51–61es_CO
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dc.subjectInvestigación y desarrolloes_CO
dc.subjectCooperación internacionales_CO
dc.subjectInvestigación científica -- Alemaniaes_CO
dc.subjectInvestigación científica -- Rusiaes_CO
dc.subject.otherResearch and developmentes_CO
dc.subject.otherInternational cooperationes_CO
dc.subject.otherResearch -- Germanyes_CO
dc.subject.otherResearch -- Russiaes_CO
dc.titleNew challenges for sti policy from the internationalization of R&D: the case of Russian-German R&D cooperationes_CO
dc.title.alternativeBasic Research. Program Working Papers. Series: Science, Technology, Innovation Wp Brp 02/Sti/2012es_CO
dc.typeArtículo de revistaes_CO


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