Valenzuela Toledo, César Alonso2020-10-262020-12-172020-10-262020-12-172017-10-02 the context of inflationary cosmology, the study of the primordial curvature perturbation $\zeta$ allows us to characterize the statistical properties of the primordial seeds that gave origin to all the structures that we see today in our Universe. In the standard and most accepted models, this quantity describes a distribution of the primordial fluctuations which is almost adiabatic, almost gaussian, and almost scale invariant, whereas it preserves the statistical homogeneity and isotropy. Any deviation from this behaviour can be used to parametrize effects related to the models proposed to describe cosmological inflation and provides us with valuable information to understand the agents that gave shape to the early Universe. In this project, we study inflationary models inspired by particle physics models which include vector fields with gauge symmetries. The inclusion of gauge vector fields is interesting since they naturally introduce a source of statistical anisotropy in the spectrum of primordial fluctuations. Additionally, in some of those scenarios, one would also find the presence of parity violation at the action level. Those parity violation effects are potentially observable since they can leave specific signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and their detection would give crucial information about the nature of the fields existing during the inflationary era and their interactions. The main objective of this project is to parametrize the effects related to parity violation in gauge vector field models and evaluate how they enter in the statistical distribution of primordial fluctuations predicted in those models. We will study the effects related to parity violation by evaluating the non-zero correlations between the E-modes and B-modes of the tensor modes in the spectrum of the primordial fluctuations. With this characterization and its comparison with observations, we expect to obtain relevant criteria to understand the nature of the fields present during inflation and their interactions.35 páginas.spaParity violation in cosmological inflationary models including vector fields.Informe de investigaciónColcienciasRepositorio Colciencias violationStatistical anisotropyVector fields