Gieren, WolfgangBarnes, Thomás G.Moffett, Thomas2024-02-132024-02-131988 documentoThe radius of a Cepheid is one of its fundamental pararneters needed in studies of Cepheid rnasses, oulsation properties, and lurninosities, and hence in the establishment of the cosrnic distance scale. Unfortunately, different rnethods to derive Cephe id radii have produced s e riously discrepant re sults (Fernie 1984), and t he correct period-radius relation for classical Cepheids is no t well known at the present time.49 p.application/pdfspaThe period-radius relation por classical cepheids from the visual surface brightness techniqueInforme de investigaciónProyectos de investigaciónAstrofísica --Investigacionesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)EstrellasLuminosidad