Nardi, Enrico2023-12-292023-12-292001-03-08 documentoWe started the Research Project by setting up a general theoretical framework for studying several decays of the B mesons in the framework of models of new physics [1]. The decays B ---t Tl/, B ---t TT, B ---t TT X and B ---t l/Tl/TX have been analized in terms of the most general set of Lorentz invariant non-derivative operators. This was the first complete analysis of this kind published in the literature [1]' other analyses following similar lines appeared later. We applied our general theoretical results to the study of specific effects in SUSY models without R-parity [1] . After these first results and a first publication, we realized that a set of lepton fiavor violating decays like B ---t T P, and B ---t Tp,X were better suited to signal this kind of new physics. We explored in depth also these new decays [2]. Our results have been included as contributions to two Chapters of The BaBar Physics Book, edited by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC-Stanford) [3 , 4].79 p.application/pdfspaStudy of rare B meson decays for testing the standard electroweak theory and constraining models of new physicsInforme de investigaciónProyectos de investigaciónFisicainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)Desintegraciones